Should I Lease or Finance My Vehicle?

August 14th, 2018 by

Woman, buyer sitting in her new car showing keys

The difference between leasing and financing a car comes down to your individual needs. If you want to own your vehicle in the long run, financing is a better choice. However, if you prioritize low monthly payments and the latest features, leasing might make more sense. Explore the ins and outs of both in this lease vs. finance guide from Town North Mazda near McKinney.

Leasing Advantages

If you choose to lease your next Mazda vehicle, you’ll enjoy the following perks:

Financing Benefits

Financing is a smart choice if you want to retain the value of the vehicle after you’re done paying off the loan. It offers these advantages:

  • You can drive the car as much as you want. With leasing, you’ll have to pay extra if you exceed a mileage allowance.
  • You can make alterations or add Mazda performance parts without breaking the lease contract.
  • While the vehicle’s value will depreciate, you’ll still be able to resell the car when you’d like to trade it in for a newer model.
  • Savings on our full range of discounted Mazda models.

More Leasing vs. Financing Advice

If you’re still asking yourself, “Is it better to lease or finance a car?” feel free the contact Town North Mazda near Garland. Our financing department will help you decide which one is best for you.

Posted in Finance, Our Dealership